New GeorgianOpera
Sledmere House
Saturday 11th April 2015
Not a bad view from the rehearsal!
New Georgian Opera was invited to perform at Sledmere, one of the most magnificent private houses in the north of England.
The Sykes family built this great Neo-Classical house, which looks to all the world as the Georgians left it. This is not the case - Sledmere was ravaged by fire in 1911 and was rebuilt in an even more princely manner. At this time the Hall was constructed, and it is not unlike a grand London Club. Mercifully the plaster molds had survived the fire and various paintings and photographs of the interior, so much of it was restored, including the library, arguably the grandest country house library in Britain and one of the great rooms of Europe.
Guests ascending the staircase from the Hall to the Library
Diva Dog sitting pretty...
...and Bertie making himself at home !
Meeta Raval
Oliver Gerrish
Charlotte Forrest
Soprano and co-founder of New Georgian Opera, Meeta Raval, and I were delighted to have pianist Charlotte Forrest to perform with us for the second time. The lights of the great Library were dimmed and the concert began.
The programme encompassed centuries of music from Purcell through to Puccini, Ivor Gurney to Britten and a contemporary piece written in memory of Helly Bliss, 'White Bee, by Cecilia McDowall, which I performed in 2013 at its premier at Cricketty Mill in Gloucestershire.
We were very honoured to be asked to perform in such a stunning setting and Tatton could not have been a more welcoming host.
Sir Tatton Sykes, Bart
New Georgian Opera will next be performing at The Circus Ball at Kensington Palace on saturday 25th April, in Worksop in June and for Bonsall Opera in late June.
Meeta and Oliver would like to thank New Georgian Opera's wonderful Secretary, Zuleika Parkin, and Tatton Sykes, Michael Crawcour and all the staff at Sledmere for such a marvellous time.
For more information on New Georgian Opera please go to
For information on Sledmere please go to
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